
덕구온천스파월드는 경상북도 울진군 북면에 위치한 온천입니다. 덕구온천은 1962년에 발견된 천연 온천으로, 약알칼리성 온천수로 유명합니다. 덕구온천스파월드는 덕구온천의 온천수를 이용한 다양한 스파 시설을 갖추고 있습니다.

덕구온천스파월드의 주요 시설로는 다음과 같은 것들이 있습니다.
-온천탕: 덕구온천의 온천수를 이용한 다양한 온천탕이 있습니다.
-사우나: 핀란드식 사우나, 로마식 사우나, 한증막 등 다양한 사우나가 있습니다.
-수영장: 실내 수영장과 야외 수영장이 있습니다.
-찜질방: 숯불찜질방, 황토찜질방, 옥돌찜질방 등 다양한 찜질방이 있습니다.
-테마탕: 꽃탕, 솔숲탕, 옥돌탕 등 다양한 테마탕이 있습니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Deokgu Oncheon Spa World
Based on 432 reviews
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fly aday
09:36 22 Mar 24
The open-air baths are not big and there are about 4 of them. I think it would be difficult to use them when there are a lot of people during the peak season. I used the package and used it at a low price. All the products in the cafeteria in the spa are sold at convenience stores and are self-service, but the prices are too expensive.
B. K
00:20 03 Jan 24
One of the best natural hot springs 💓
02:39 28 Dec 23
It’s been 10 years since I went to Deokgu Hot Springs. My skin got better after just 3 hours of soaking. Even at minus 10 degrees, an outdoor spa with the scent of pine trees and looking at snow is the best. Good with family
Hyunje Jo
11:17 25 Jun 23
This Spa World is unique and speical because it is the only natural hot spring in Korea with best water quality containing alkalinity.It is known as good for some adult diseases such as neuralgia, arthritis, muscle pain, skin disease, diabetes, etc.The natural hot spring water comes out from the nature. So, it is so clean.Room guests can get a 50% discount for the entrance.Swimming suite can be rented at 4000 KRW, so no worry even if you visit the Spa world without any preparation.The swimming and relaxing in the clean healing water and air in the mountain is the special experience. No other Spa worlds can be compared.
Cho Calvin
09:32 09 Feb 20
The best hot spring in Korea.
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