
예천 초간정은 조선시대 학자 권문해 선생의 별당으로, 1582년에 지어졌습니다. 초간정은 한국 전통 정원의 아름다움을 보여주는 대표적인 예로, 예술적 가치뿐 아니라 역사적 가치도 매우 높습니다.

초간정의 특징
-절벽 위에 지어진 독특한 위치: 초간정은 금호강의 지류인 용문천의 절벽 위에 지어져 있습니다. 이는 조선시대 정원의 일반적인 위치 선정 방식과는 다른 독특한 특징입니다.
-아름다운 자연 경관: 초간정 주변에는 울창한 송림과 맑은 용문천이 있어 아름다운 자연 경관을 감상할 수 있습니다.
-정교한 건축 양식: 초간정은 정면 3칸, 측면 2칸의 규모로, 단층의 팔작지붕 형태를 하고 있습니다. 건축 양식은 조선시대 전통 가옥의 특징을 잘 보여주고 있습니다.
-다양한 문화 유산: 초간정에는 권문해 선생의 유묵과 유품들이 전시되어 있습니다. 또한, 초간정 주변에는 선몽대, 병암정 등 다양한 문화 유산들이 있습니다.

예천 초간정은 아름다운 자연 경관과 조선시대 전통 건축 양식을 감상할 수 있는 곳입니다. 또한, 권문해 선생의 업적을 기리는 중요한 문화 유산입니다. 역사와 문화에 관심 있는 사람들에게 예천 초간정을 추천합니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Choganjeong Pavilion
Based on 347 reviews
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Jongkook Lee
08:03 10 Feb 24
The scenery was nice, but it was a shame that I couldn't enter.
16:03 14 Jan 24
Chogan Jeong is Chogan Gwon Mun-hae, who compiled Daedongunbugunok (大東韻府群玉) [Encyclopedia].Garden built on strangely shaped rocks for old ageIt is a pavilion pavilion built in 1582 along with the creation of the garden, and it is said that it was called Choganjeongsa (草澗精舍) at the time.Afterwards, it burned down during the Japanese invasions of Korea in 1626.It was rebuilt, but was once again destroyed by fire. It was left as a ruin for a long time, and it was only in 1739 that Heonson-in was opened.Kwon Bong-ui built a house on the old site.A three-room pavilion was built on a rock, and the north and west are surrounded by the beautiful Geumgokcheon Stream.It is said that in order to enjoy the scenery, it was built without a wall, directly attached to Geumgokcheon Stream to serve as a fence. Relics including Daedongunbugunok (大東韻府群玉) in 1870After storing the books, the Yecheon Kwon clan built Baekseunggak and moved there.It is currently empty due to the move. 20It was designated as Scenic Site No. 51 in 2008 and designated as Gyeongsangbuk-do Cultural Heritage No. 143, and then as Gyeongsangbuk-do Tangible Culture in 2013.It was promoted to No. 475. Choganjeong began to become known through the 2018 drama ‘Mr. Sean Sign’.It was filmed and aired on TV, turning it into a tourist destination. Also, an entertainment program in 2023 was filmed in the background for a short period of time.It has been aired and has established itself as a hot topic.The quiet and cozy pavilion, Geumgokcheon Stream, and the surrounding scenery are beautiful together.There are no words to express it, and all four seasons have their own unique characteristics, so you won't regret visiting them at any time. As it developed into a tourist destination, the surrounding area was renovated and toilets and parking lots were provided.There will be no physiological phenomenon or parking difficulties.same. There is a temple called Yongmunsa Temple nearby, so it would be nice to take a look around.
Byung Chul Moon
06:45 26 Dec 23
I depict the leisurely appearance of ancient scholars who devoted themselves to their studies with the quiet atmosphere of the countryside and nature as their friend.
08:43 03 Oct 23
It's beautiful. The color of the water is also mysterious. However, it is not properly managed. It was disappointing to see old slippers on the Choganjeong floor and the messy surroundings.
08:27 25 Aug 23
2023. 8. 9.I went there because I heard it was where Mr. Sunshine was filmed. I stopped by worried because I heard there was a lot of damage from heavy rain. It's cozy behind a quiet pine forest. It's scary because the bridge railings were destroyed by the heavy rain last time. The current is still strong. Everything is fine, but the door is locked and I can't go in. The sound of water flowing in the valley in front is very nice. But I get scared when I look at it.It is said that an old woman is having a bed and breakfast experience at the hanok attached to Choganjeong. I think it's probably a house I saw on Airbnb. It would be nice to stay for a day.Seconds. Please open the door.
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