
칠곡호국평화기념관은 경상북도 칠곡군에 위치한 6.25 전쟁 낙동강 방어선 전투를 기념하는 기념관입니다. 2006년에 개관하였으며, 전쟁의 참혹함을 기리고 평화의 소중함을 되새기는 공간입니다.

칠곡호국평화기념관의 주요 시설:
-전시관: 6.25 전쟁 낙동강 방어선 전투의 역사와 전쟁 참상을 전시하는 공간입니다.
-체험관: 전쟁 당시 상황을 체험할 수 있는 공간입니다.
-기념공원: 전쟁 희생자들을 기리는 공간입니다.

칠곡호국평화기념관은 6.25 전쟁 낙동강 방어선 전투의 역사를 배우고 평화의 소중함을 되새길 수 있는 곳입니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Chilgok Patriots & Peace Memorial
Based on 1037 reviews
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Chung-han Kuo
06:30 31 Oct 23
Recorded English guides for some items of its regular exhibition are available at the counter.Most of the items in regular exhibition are in Korean and Hanja(Chinese characters), those who knows Korean and reading Chinese can get themost from it.Bus to Waegwan runs about every hour to a terminal about 500-700 meters south of Waegwan train station.
Justin Grady
07:17 13 Jun 23
Humbling experience. A must see/do for service members or anyone interested in history.
Muneeb Ahmad
09:00 29 May 21
If you wanna know about korean war fought in 1950, this is the place you must visit. Normally, it closes at 6 pm. There in a river side picnic area infront of the road. By the way, 3000 korean won is the entrance ticket. 😇
William T
13:10 14 Jan 20
Really interesting museum on the Korean war, focusing on the battles and incidents near the Nakdong river. Worth the 3,000w price of admission and more.
Sarah Press
00:36 29 Dec 18
Very educational. There are a lot of interactive exhibits. I was very interested in learning more about the war and this museum displays the information beautifully.
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