
부석사는 신라 문무왕 16년(676년)에 의상대사가 창건한 한국 불교 사찰입니다. 경상북도 영주시 봉황산 중턱에 위치하고 있으며, 대한불교 조계종 제16교구 본사 고운사의 말사입니다.

부석사 무량수전: 국보 제1호로, 신라 시대 목조 건축의 대표적인

-부석사 석조비로자나불입상: 국보 제8호
-부석사 다층석탑: 국보 제9호
-부석사 아미타불입상: 보물 제61호
-부석사 금동관음보살입상: 보물 제62호
-부석사 석조석가여래입상: 보물 제63호
-부석사 삼층석탑: 보물 제64호

부석사는 한국 불교의 역사와 문화를 배우고 싶은 관광객들에게 인기 있는 곳이다. 부석사의 아름다운 건축물과 문화재를 감상하고, 봉황산의 자연 경관을 즐길 수 있다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Buseoksa Temple
Based on 3407 reviews
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Tarnished A
11:33 06 Sep 23
Buseok temple means stone rising from the ground to Chinese language. Nice place to take a picture. You can actually see the giant stone at the end of this temple.
09:40 28 Dec 22
Loved this temple!It's situated a bit high up the mountain so you get amazing views.Especially in the winter, seeing the snow covered buildings was beautiful.The atmosphere was incredible, with so few people around it felt tranquil and quiet - almost like a trip back in time.
Kyuwon Lee
10:54 18 Sep 22
The legendary temple for its architectural beauty, buddhist significance, and even mass-cultural popularity. Many stories and histories live through and contribute to the greatness of this place and it’s a privilege that I could still pay a visit more than 1300 years after the temple was built.
05:44 06 Nov 20
I love this place so much. Got a chance to visit this place in autumn. It was late autumn but i can enjoy nice view. The temple itself is so unique with many legendary stories behind its more than 1000 years of history. Highly recommended if you are in 영주.
Urvashi Kumari
13:03 26 Sep 20
Buseoksa Temple is the first temple in South Korea, Where I went to see the autumn season with my friends. Reached here after 3 hours journey from Seoul by Car. The route to the temple and the view of the temple was absolutely beautiful. It has wonderful garden including a philosophical way. The trees filled with red and yellow leaves and hills seemed very attractive.The area where the temple was located was very beautiful, hills and trees. The temple was very old and magnificent. The layered arrangement of the temple is especially attractive. The incredible wood and painted ceilings of one of the main buildings inside the Buseoksa temple , an expression of amazing beauty. In South Korea, it is also known as the "Temple of the Floating Stone". When you come here, you experience more than you see. The huge statue of Buddhist will give you a sense of spirituality. If you are a temple lover then you must come here, and I think it would be nice to come in the late autumn season. I recommend early morning visit for you and your family .
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