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여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Bulguksa Temple
Based on 15342 reviews
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11:44 15 Mar 24
It's a beautiful temple spread across multiple sections and levels. We had a guide who helped us with a lot of details.
Shale K
02:33 31 Dec 23
This was such a wonderful, historic and peaceful place. The history imbedded in the 1000 year old architecture, is must see - even if you're not Buddhist. If you happen to come across a tour then I highly recommend joining in. I had the wonderful opportunity to come in the afternoon and stay till night time.I got to have a tour of the Temple, see the Buddhist performance in the evening, and the evening prayer too. Also the lady who led the tour for the temple, (sorry I forgot your name, but will include a photo of you) had amazing knowledge and is such a kind soul. Thank you for allowing myself and my partner to come dine at the temple with you ❤️. It was a blessed experience and I hope we get a chance to come stay 🙏.
Tony Chote
15:03 02 Dec 23
Stick with your friends otherwise you will lose your friends in such a big place. I lost mine. It's beautiful traditional building . The boa statue is forblessing if you touch it 3 times.
Budi Loonen
10:13 30 Nov 23
Great park where the temple is build. It is perfectly maintained. However you miss some extra context. You have information on each building. Not so much it has been build there. Remind it is pretty far away from the city center.
14:20 21 Nov 23
Beautiful temple! The autumn leaves were stunning. Went on a Sunday via taxi. Busy, but not uncomfortably so. Worth visiting.
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