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여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Bomunjeong Pavilion
Based on 725 reviews
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Steven Jang
Steven Jang
10:27 11 Apr 23
A small beautiful place and instagrammable location. Full of flowers fully bloom but need attention regarding the cleanliness. Probably because my visit during weekday and not many people there.
10:40 07 Dec 21
A beautiful place with gardens decorated with different types of trees and plant, pond and water wheel.
Johna Russell
Johna Russell
15:08 28 Sep 20
I absolutely loved our visit here so serene and beautiful free parking available
Tracy Lee
Tracy Lee
02:23 06 May 19
For cherry bloomson
13:46 09 Apr 19
One of S. Korea's 50 most beautiful places to visit and it didn't disappoint. I only knew that it was near Bomunho Lake, so we stopped at the Hyatt Hotel to get more specific directions. They gave us a map and showed us that it was next to the KPOP museum.
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