백석탄 포트홀

백석탄 포트홀은 경상북도 청송군 안덕면 고와리 신성계곡에 위치한 하얀 돌이 반짝이는 여울이라는 뜻의 아름다운 자연 명소입니다.

백석탄 포트홀의 특징:
-항아리 모양의 구멍: 하천의 침식작용에 의해 기반암에 형성된 항아리 모양의 구멍들이 주요 특징입니다. 이러한 구멍들을 포트홀이라고 부릅니다.
-하얀 돌: 주변에 깔린 흰색 사암 바위는 백색 석영장석암으로 이루어져 있어 맑은 물과 어우러져 더욱 아름다운 풍경을 자랑합니다.
-다양한 크기의 포트홀: 크기가 작은 것부터 사람이 들어갈 수 있을 만큼 큰 것까지 다양한 크기의 포트홀을 볼 수 있습니다.
-자연휴양림: 백석탄 포트홀 주변은 자연휴양림으로 조성되어 있어 산책을 즐기기에 좋습니다.

백석탄 포트홀은 자연 경관이 아름다운 곳으로, 산책, 물놀이, 사진 촬영 등 다양한 활동을 즐길 수 있는 곳입니다. 가족 나들이 장소로도 인기가 많습니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

백석탄 포트홀
Based on 6 reviews
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14:45 06 Sep 23
The place where the Baekseok coal pothole is located is the Shinseong Valley. It's interesting to look at each one.Shinseong Valley was named after the Haman Jo clan, who settled in this land and cut down all the trees. It is sacred because the cut down trees were piled up like a castle.Shinseong Valley was a place with shallow lakes and wide plains when dinosaurs existed. The lowest stones in the Shinseong Valley were created during the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic Era. The Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic Era began approximately 145.5 million years ago and ended approximately 66 million years ago. It was an immeasurably long time ago.Shinseong Valley is a landform that was created when sedimentary rocks were broken down, carved, and raised. Sedimentary rock is created when gravel, sand, and mud accumulate and harden.Now it is time to explain the white coal pothole. Potholes are created by placing gravel into a concave part of the stone. Gravel is cut and removed according to the flow of water, making it more compact. At the same time, a large hole like a jar is formed. That's a pothole.Baekseoktan means a rapid with sparkling white stones. A rapid refers to a place where water flows particularly quickly in a place such as a river or the sea.Baekseok Coal Pothole is an interesting place. Accessibility is not good. After parking the car, you have to walk quite a bit on the faint grass. There are no amenities nearby. Still, it is a place worth visiting.
10:03 03 Oct 22
The parking lot is spacious.There is a portable toilet.A short walk from the parking lotIt comes outIt is a feast of white, colorful rocks that make you wonder how such a shape and form could have been created.awesomeThe photographers are working hard to take pictures.
07:19 12 May 22
It was a shame that I couldn't go there in winter (February 2021), but I feel fortunate that I was able to go this May and take the photos I wanted.
05:14 13 Dec 21
It looked like a very unique terrain with white colored rocks in it.
나마늘 (마늘)
06:12 20 Nov 21
A wonderful valley that is also listed as a UNESCO heritage site.
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