
안동민속박물관은 경상북도 안동시에 위치한 민속박물관입니다. 안동 하회마을의 전통문화를 전시하고 있으며, 유네스코 세계문화유산으로 등재된 곳입니다.
안동민속박물관은 1982년에 개관했습니다. 안동 하회마을의 전통 가옥과 생활상을 보존하고 전시하기 위해 설립되었습니다.

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안동민속박물관은 안동 하회마을의 전통문화를 체험할 수 있는 좋은 곳입니다. 안동을 방문하신다면 꼭 가보시길 추천합니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Municipal Folk Museum
Based on 716 reviews
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Mark Verana
10:03 22 Oct 20
If you are looking for a museum to visit in Andong, I strongly recommend Municipal Folk Museum (Andong Folk Museum). Not only you will enjoy the museum but also the lights displays on the bridge nearby. It's easy to reach ans just one bus away from the downtown.
Vicky Elliott
20:00 03 Aug 20
I liked the information about prehistory in the Andong area.
Meriyn Rees
09:58 23 Oct 19
Hardly anyone there! Some beautiful houses rescued when the dam was built in the 70s. I think they are in the process of restoring, but some are close to being irreparably damaged. Don't miss walking the wooden walkway from the city
Mirella Merlo
05:49 28 Sep 19
Loved this. Tells a cool story, very well set up and worth the visit.
Lewis Mindy
08:54 25 Mar 19
Good place to visit. Free and open all year. The interesting museum costs only 1,000 won to don't miss that. A pleasant walk along the river or take a service bus from close to the railway station.
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