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허백련 화가는 남종화의 대가로, 한국의 자연과 풍경을 아름다운 필치로 표현한 것으로 유명합니다.

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의재미술관의 대표적인 작품

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풍경: 한국의 다양한 풍경을 아름다운 색채로 표현한 작품들입니다.

의재미술관 주변 관광지

증심사: 의재미술관 바로 뒤에 위치한 사찰입니다. 아름다운 자연 경관과 다양한 문화재를 감상할 수 있습니다.

무등산: 광주의 상징적인 산입니다. 다양한 등산 코스가 있어 등산을 즐길 수 있습니다.

국립아시아문화전당: 아시아의 다양한 문화를 체험할 수 있는 복합 문화 공간입니다.

여행지 추가정보

광주에 위치한 관광지

Uijae Museum of Korean Art
Based on 137 reviews
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07:18 15 Nov 23
It is located in a very secluded and elegant place. I enjoyed the good exhibition. But I haven't actually seen much of Uijae's work. The guests were a bit noisy, so it was difficult to enjoy it thoroughly. I need to visit again.
J “Jayhawk” Gould
13:39 28 Mar 23
Small museum near the west entrance of the national park. Meta modern design, 2000w entry fee for the art and calligraphy exhibition match 2023. Small tea house.
Anthon C.
15:14 04 Mar 23
Accessibility is not good. Since the art museum is located past the entrance to the hiking trail, I wonder if it is national, provincial, municipal, or privately owned. The fact that the museum itself charges an admission fee seems fitting for Mudeungsan National Park, where admission is free.
Alexander W
00:31 26 Oct 22
Nice small museum with art from the last 200 years. There is a discount for groups (at least 20 people, the staff csn be a bit stupid and suggest 17 people to buy the more expensive single tickets even if it was cheaper if you would pay for 3 non existent persons). Worth a short stop on the way up though. It took just 45 min inside for us
Junghoon Yoon
02:08 29 Sep 15
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