
오웬 기념각은 광주광역시 남구 양림동에 위치한 기념 건축물입니다.

914년에 미국 선교사였던 클레먼트 오웬과 그의 할아버지 윌리엄 오웬을 기리기 위해 세워졌습니다.

오웬 선교사는 1909년 광주에서 순교하였고, 그의 할아버지 윌리엄 오웬은 오웬 선교사의 선교 활동을 지원했던 인물입니다.

건축 양식 및 특징

오웬 기념각은 2층 규모의 벽돌 건축물로, 로마네스크 양식과 고딕 양식을 결합한 독특한 형태를 가지고 있습니다.

붉은 벽돌과 아치형 창문, 박공 등이 특징이며, 당시 서양 건축의 영향을 받은 모습을 잘 보여주고 있습니다.

역사적 가치

오웬 기념각은 일제강점기 기독교 선교의 역사를 보여주는 중요한 문화유산입니다.

또한, 광주 근대 역사의 상징적인 건축물로 여겨지고 있으며, 광주광역시 유형문화재 제26호로 지정되어 있습니다.

오웬 기념각은 근대 역사와 문화에 관심 있는 분들에게 추천하는 곳입니다.

오웬 선교사의 헌신적인 삶과 당시 시대 상황을 배우고, 아름다운 건축물을 감상할 수 있는 기회가 될 것입니다.

여행지 추가정보

광주에 위치한 관광지

Based on 34 reviews
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13:54 01 Sep 23
Visited June 9, 2023A tangible cultural property of Gwangju Metropolitan City. 1998.5.7. appointedA building built to commemorate Clement C. Owen (1867-1909). Built in 1914 with funds sent by missionary Owen's relatives. It is said that Owen wanted to honor his grandfather William while he was alive. So the names of my grandfather and Owen were engraved on the front of the building. It is located within the Christian College of Nursing and is managed by the Gwangju Christian Hospital Educational Foundation. The exterior wall is made of gray brick and has a calm and cold feel. I hope people use it well and it becomes a warm building.Yangnim Church is located right next to it.Clement C. Owen 1867-1909Born in Virginia, USA, died in Yangnim-dong, Gwangju. Eugene Bell, the first missionary in Jeollanam-do, was also the first missionary to be buried in the missionary cemetery. A friend who was coming to see Owen, who was critically ill, found a leper on the way and put the child on a horse and came on foot, arriving after Owen had died. After seeing people treating lepers, Choi Hong-jong donated 1,000 pyeong of his land in Bongseon-dong, Gwangju, and today's Aeyangwon (leper treatment hospital in Yeosu) was established.
22:20 30 Apr 21
A building that has endured for over a hundred years in a fading Asian border empire.
kang CHEOL
08:07 18 Apr 19
It is an old-fashioned modern building that is not easily seen in Gwangju. Rather than preserving it like taxidermy, I would like to give more points to things that are being used well so far.
10:22 11 Dec 18
It is not clearly visible because it is obscured by churches and Christian universities. There is a modern Western clothing rental store nearby, so some people come here to rent clothes and take pictures.
py LEE
21:54 03 Apr 18
This is a memorial to Owen, who died from overwork while working as a missionary in Gwangju. It was built in 1914. It was built as a public meeting hall at the time and became a cradle for the spread of Western culture, but when the denominations separated, it was also used as a church for a time.In modern times, it has solidified its role as a ‘citizen center’ as a cultural performance event venue in the Gwangju region. I found it when it was dark, but it looks like the light was turned on to let me see inside. Korea's early chapels had high podiums and a dignified, rectangular structure, but it was surprising that the early 20th-century building was slanted so that the audience could see the stage. Two-story duplex structure. When it was built, it was symmetrical around the stage (stage), and even the male and female entrances were different due to the influence of Confucianism.
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