
광주시립미술관은 1992년에 개관한 대한민국 최초의 시립 미술관입니다.
다양한 현대미술 전시를 개최하고 있으며, 광주비엔날레의 주관기관이기도 합니다.

주요 시설

본관: 6개의 전시실, 어린이미술관, 문화센터, 도서자료실, 세미나실, 야외공연장, 카페 등
금남로분관: 광주 근·현대미술 전시
상록전시관: 기획전시

소장 작품

한국 현대미술 작품 약 3,000점
광주비엔날레 참여 작품 약 1,000점
외국 현대미술 작품 약 100점

교육 프로그램

전시 해설 프로그램
특강 및 강연

여행지 추가정보

광주에 위치한 관광지

Gwangju Museum of Art
Based on 1033 reviews
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Bharat Ugale
03:52 31 Oct 23
Nice place to visit in Gwangju.Also has separate arts for kids.
Calvin Coolidge
04:24 11 Sep 23
Free to visit but only worth going for an A/C break and free drinking water if you are visiting the decent park. The bathrooms are also spotless. There are also many benches to relax inside. The museum itself just has garbage modern 'art' and the collection is small. I wish it included a wider range of art including traditional art. I am sure there were artists in Gwangju before 2010. Why isn't there artwork from the 19th century? Why aren't there any traditional landscapes?
Jude Dike
00:08 09 Apr 23
Gwangju National Museum, Gwangju Museum of Art, as well as Gwangju History and Folk Museum are located relatively in close proximity of each other. Visited the 3 establishment. In my opinion, they in part tell the exciting story of Korean contemporary culture and rich vibrant, albiet, turbulent history. Good place to visit for relaxation, family outing, and tourist excursions. Found staff to be friendly and courteous. However, could not find any good gift shop.
Jennifer Gilbert
12:42 09 Oct 22
Interesting exhibitions and beautiful gallery spaces.
Thinus Scholtz
01:09 08 Feb 20
It was free and interesting. I enjoyed the captivating pieces and installments where you get to participate.
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