
대전 지질박물관은 대전광역시 유성구에 위치한 한국지질자원연구원 소속의 지질표본 전문 박물관입니다.

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대전 지질박물관은 지구과학에 대한 이해를 높이고, 지구 환경에 대한 관심을 높이는 데 기여하고 있는 박물관입니다.

박물관은 매주 월요일과 1월 1일, 설날, 추석 당일은 휴관하며, 관람 시간은 오전 10시부터 오후 5시까지입니다. 입장료는 무료입니다.

여행지 추가정보

대전에 위치한 관광지

KIGAM Geological Museum
Based on 633 reviews
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00:44 03 Jul 24
Hyoun Lim
06:07 08 Jun 24
03:23 03 Jun 24
03:20 30 May 24
seoyeon pak
07:25 28 May 24
I went on a field trip, and there were a lot of interesting things to see, and they made it easy to understand! The bathroom is clean and spacious inside.
kabilov akobir
16:24 20 Feb 22
First of all, because of covid restrictions, make a reservation or buy in advance. I was lucky to go in without a wait. The rule is that only 20 people may enter the museum at a time. All in all, good experience . I saw some Dino skeletons and raw ore samples. Was very helpful and informative. Recommend to visit.
Harold Chu
11:28 03 Nov 21
If you have some time, must visit here!Though small enough it could give you a little fun for you when you are interested in the geo-thingy.It has a near-by 'geological road' also,it is another good point to view.I recommend both of them. Absolutely.
Ian C
03:13 21 Feb 21
Nice museum. Its kind of small, approximately a 30 min - 1 hour walkthrough. If you can't read Korean use the translate feature on Google lens to read the displays.
George Furst
05:38 21 Jul 19
Many visitors go to Seoul during their visit in Korea but you are missing the great national museums located in Daejeon. In order to decentralize South Korea during the early 21 century many of the national museums were built in this city known for clean air and beauty. One museum to visit is the National Science Museum. I am a geologist and this one ranks as the best one related to this topic that I have ever visited. The variety of exhibits are very professionally done and you will be suprised that most of the exhibits have excellent English explanations next to the Korean. The big dinosaurs are here as well as the best dinosaur foot print exihibition found anywhere! This museum is much expanded since my visit in 2003. In addition to the indoor exhibits there are excellent out door exhibits where one can move among great petrified ancient tree trunks and a large variety of boulders of different rock types that form the basement of this great peninsula. There is also a very professionally described history of Korea going back millions of years. Do not miss this museum that is also in proximity to the postage museum, the science museum and the campus of KAIST where one can relax and fine reasonally priced food. So come to Daejeon and enjoy a city where food and lodging are also to be had at much more reasonal prices than in Seoul.
21:58 05 Feb 18
This is an excellent place to visit while in Daejon. There are large collections of rock samples and fossils. There's also plenty of activities to try throughout the museum. Displays are in both Korean and English, you also get a pamphlet upon entry. Whether you're a child, an adult, a tourist, or all three, you will likely find some interesting things in this museum. Entry is free, there's no reason not to go.
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