
대전아쿠아리움은 대전광역시 유성구 엑스포로 1에 위치한 수족관입니다. 2015년 7월 22일에 개관했으며, 연면적 13,000㎡, 수조 규모 1만 5천톤 규모의 대형 수족관입니다.

대전아쿠아리움은 그리스 신화 속 바다의 신 포세이돈의 스토리를 담아낸 미디어 아트가 시선을 사로잡으며, 가로 20m, 세로 4m, 2500톤 규모의 메인 수조와 천장에서 펼쳐지는 디지털 영상 파노라마 수조가 특징입니다.

또한, 전 세계 220여종, 1만여마리의 다양한 해양 생물들을 만나볼 수 있습니다. 대표적인 전시 수조로는 다음과 같은 것들이 있습니다.

메인 수조: 가로 20m, 세로 4m, 2500톤 규모의 대형 수조로, 펭귄, 수염고래, 상어, 가오리 등 다양한 해양 생물들이 서식하고 있습니다.

파노라마 수조: 천장부터 바닥까지 이어지는 5m 높이의 대형 수조로, 바다의 심해 속을 구현한 신개념 파노라마 수조입니다.

일루전 윈도우: 국내 최초 일루전 윈도우 터치 스크린으로, 해양 생물들의 신비로운 세계를 입체적으로 체험할 수 있습니다.

대전아쿠아리움은 가족 단위의 관람객들에게 인기가 많은 곳입니다. 다양한 해양 생물들을 관람하면서 자연의 신비로움을 느낄 수 있습니다.

여행지 추가정보

대전에 위치한 관광지

Daejeon Aquarium
Based on 2055 reviews
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ChangUk Ma
06:37 29 Nov 24
It's quiet because there are no people, but it feels like it's not well maintained and the facilities are outdated. There seems to be no internal air management.There is also an aquarium in Shinsegae, Daejeon.
08:40 18 Nov 24
Jh houg
20:06 09 Nov 24
I want to say it's really serious. It's too narrow and the smell is like bleach and musty. Plus, when you go inside, you thought you'd entered a horror house. They say there's no one there because it's a weekday, but on a weekday, the penguin viewing area has one or two lights on and it's very humid because it's raining outside, but there's no air conditioner turned on. The air conditioners are all turned off. Only the part where Staff is located is turned on. The fish exhibition halls are all narrow and short. A small zoo on top of the aquarium? There was alsoVarious animals are kept in a small space and sold as snacks.They sell small chicken legs, but the kids don't eat them, but they don't clean them up. It's poop and mixed with the chicken legs. It's hard to tell if the chicken legs are poop or chicken, and all the animals are dry. The animals must have been stressed, and their bodies are covered in poop and urine. And the kennel is dirty and narrow.Really...wow, I wonder if a place like this still exists.Daejeon Expo Aquarium is better than Daejeon Aquarium.Go!I went here thinking it was the Daejeon Expo Aquarium.When I looked it up later, it was different.Daejeon Aquarium... I cried in the car because my date was ruined.I paid money to go in here...(24-06-20) 2 adults 46,000 won
07:23 18 Oct 24
04:32 14 Nov 23
This place seems neat at first, and has a lot of different animals. But quickly we began to see just how small every animals (aquatic and land) enclosure is. My friends and I’s trip rapidly turned into feeling depressed for all of the animals stuck in these tiny cages. Who does this to an animal this big?
Siyeon Kim
10:03 14 May 23
The place is not so big, unlike other aquariums I've been to. Just plan another place to go after here cause you'll explore the place for over an hour, then you're done. If you're hungry, they have MUMS TOUCH inside the building and mini coffee shop for some coffee.But overall, my kid enjoyed it, so I'll give it 5 stars. 😊
V Barlow
02:09 30 Jan 23
T​​​h​​​e​​​ ​​​p​​​l​​​a​​​c​​​e​​​ ​​​i​​​s​​​ ​​​i​​​n​​​ ​​​n​​​e​​​e​​​d​​​ ​​​o​​​f​​​ ​​​r​​​e​​​n​​​o​​​v​​​a​​​t​​​i​​​o​​​n​​​ ​​​a​​​s​​​ ​​​i​​​t​​​'​​​s​​​ ​​​ver​​​y​​​ ​​​o​​​l​​​d​​​ ​​​f​​​a​​​s​​​h​​​i​​​o​​​n​​​e​​​d​​​ ​​​i​​​n​​​ ​​​t​​​e​​​r​​​m​​​s​​​ ​​​o​​​f​​​ ​​​t​​​h​​​e​​​ ​​​a​​​n​​​i​​​m​​​a​​​l​​​ ​​​en​​​c​​​l​​​o​​​s​​​u​​​r​​​e​​​s​​​.​​​ ​​​T​​​h​​​e​​​ ​​​e​​​n​​​c​​​l​​​o​​​s​​​u​​​r​​​e​​​s​​​ ​​​a​​​r​​​e​​​ ​​​n​​​o​​​t​​​ ​​​n​​​a​​​t​​​u​​​r​​​a​​​l​​​ ​​​a​​​n​​​d​​​ ​​​t​​​o​​​o​​​ ​​​s​​​m​​​a​​​l​​​l​​​ ​​​f​​​o​​​r​​​ ​​​m​​​o​​​s​​​t​​​ ​​​o​​​f​​​ ​​​t​​​h​​​e​​​ ​​​animal​​​s​​​.​​​ ​​​W​​​h​​​i​​​l​​​e​​​ ​​​i​​​t​​​ ​​​w​​​a​​​s​​​ ​​​n​​​i​​​c​​​e​​​ ​​​t​​​o​​​ ​​​s​​​e​​​e​​​ ​​​t​​​h​​​e​​​ a​​​n​​​i​​​m​​​a​​​l​​​s​​​ ​​​c​​​l​​​o​​​s​​​e​​​ ​​​u​​​p​​​ ​​​i​​​t​​​ ​​​w​​​a​​​s​​​ ​​​s​​​a​​​d​​​ ​​​t​​​o​​​ ​​​s​​​e​​​e​​​ ​​​t​​​h​​​e​​​m​​​ ​​​o​​​n​​​ ​​​t​​​i​​​l​​​e​​​d​​​ ​​​f​​​l​​​o​​​o​​​r​​​s​​​ ​​​w​​​i​​​t​​​h​​​ ​​​n​​​o​​​t​​​h​​​i​​​n​​​g​​​ ​​​t​​​o​​​ ​​​d​​​o​​​. Some of the animals seemed distressed as they were either rocking or pacing.​​​ ​​​Y​​​o​​​u​​​ ​​​c​​​a​​​n​​​ ​​​f​​​e​​​e​​​d​​​ ​​​t​​​h​​​e​​​ ​​​a​​​n​​​i​​​m​​​a​​​l​​​s​​​ ​​​w​​​h​​​i​​​c​​​h​​​ ​​​i​​​s​​​ ​​​a​​​ ​​​n​​​o​​​v​​​e​​​l​​​t​​​y​​​ ​​​b​​​u​​​t​​​ ​​​m​​​o​​​s​​​t​​​ ​​​p​​​e​​​o​​​p​​​l​​​e​​​ ​​​w​​​e​​​r​​​e​​​ ​​​t​​​e​​​a​​​s​​​i​​​n​​​g​​​ ​​​t​​​h​​​e​​​ ​​​a​​​n​​​i​​​m​​​a​​​l​​​s​​​ ​​​w​​​i​​​t​​​h​​​ ​​​t​​​h​​​e​​​​​​f​​​o​​​o​​​d​​​ ​​​a​​​n​​​d​​​ ​​​i​​​t​​​ ​​​m​​​a​​​d​​​e​​​ ​​​y​​​o​​​u​​​ ​​​w​​​o​​​n​​​d​​​e​​​r​​​ ​​​h​​​o​​​w​​​ ​​​t​​​h​​​e​​​​​​a​​​n​​​i​​​m​​​a​​​l​​​s​​​ ​​​d​​​i​​​e​​​t​​​s​​​ ​​​a​​​r​​​e​​​ ​​​c​​​o​​​n​​​t​​​r​​​o​​​l​​​l​​​e​​​d​​​ ​​​i​​​f​​​ ​​​p​​​e​​​o​​​p​​​l​​​e​​​ ​​​c​​​a​​​n​​​​​​f​​​e​​​e​​​d​​​ ​​​t​​​h​​​e​​​m​​​ ​​​a​​​l​​​l​​​ ​​​d​​​a​​​y​​​?​​​ ​​​I​​​ ​​​n​​​o​​​t​​​i​​​c​​​e​​​d​​​ ​​​q​​​u​​​i​​​t​​​e​​​ ​​​a​​​ ​​​f​​​e​​​w​​​ ​​​a​​​n​​​i​​​m​​​a​​​l​​​s​​​ ​​​l​​​o​​​o​​​k​​​e​​​d​​​ ​​​l​​​i​​​k​​​e​​​ ​​​t​​​h​​​e​​​y​​​ ​​​h​​​a​​​d​​​ ​​​m​​​a​​​n​​​g​​​e​​​ ​​​a​​​n​​​d​​​ ​​​t​​​h​​​e​​​ ​​​p​​​l​​​a​​​c​​​e​​​ ​​​s​​​m​​​e​​​l​​​l​​​e​​​d​​​ ​​​l​​​i​​​k​​​e​​​ ​​​u​​​r​​​i​​​n​​​e​​​ and was unclean.​​​ ​​​T​​​h​​​e​​​ ​​​m​​​e​​​r​​​m​​​a​​​i​​​d​​​ ​​​s​​​h​​​o​​​w​​​ ​​​w​​​a​​​s​​​ ​​​a​​​ ​​​u​​​n​​​i​​​q​​​u​​​e​​​​​​f​​​e​​​a​​​t​​​u​​​r​​​e​​​ ​​​a​​​n​​​d​​​ ​​​g​​​r​​​e​​​a​​​t​​​ ​​​f​​​o​​​r​​​ ​​​s​​​m​​​a​​​l​​​l​​​ ​​​c​​​h​​​i​​​l​​​d​​​r​​​e​​​n..​​​ ​​​B​​​u​​​t​​​ ​​​o​​​v​​​e​​​r​​​a​​​l​​​l​​​ ​​​w​​​e​​​ ​​​l​​​e​​​f​​​t​​​ ​​​t​​​h​​​e​​​ ​​​p​​​l​​​a​​​c​​​e​​​ ​​​w​​​i​​​t​​​h​​​ great ​​​regret and a ​​​s​​​a​​​d​​​d​​​n​​​e​​​s​​​s​​​ ​​​i​​​n​​​ ​​​o​​​u​​​r​​​ ​​​h​​​e​​​a​​​r​​​t​​​s​​​.
Stefanee Kaye
17:57 13 May 19
Very depressing to realize how many large animals are kept in such tiny cages here. The selection of fish and herps from around the world was very cool though, albeit I worried about the endangered fish in such small aquariums and the cleanliness of the water for some other species throughout.
nuno garrido
16:52 15 Aug 18
Great place to take the kids. Takes 2h to visit. I am not fan of enclosed animals but they seemed well treated and fed. The aquarium is better than the tigers and lions. You can buy sticks with raw chicken to feed the animals. I ve seen better and much worst.
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