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여행지 추가정보

대구에 위치한 관광지

Wolgok History Park
Based on 703 reviews
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황기철 (고인돌)
23:15 15 Jan 25
Surrounding environment needs to be cleaned up and upgraded.
Productive Minho
15:00 17 Sep 24
# A place worth visitingIt is a historical park in Sangin-dong that is famous for rare double cherry blossoms (April) and has a beautiful bamboo forest all year round. There is no red clay road, but you can see residents walking barefoot. The park is largely divided into neighborhood facilities, a museum, Nakdong Seowon, and a bamboo forest.In the past, there was a Danyang Woo clan village called Wolchon Village, and it is said that Woo Bae-seon, the first-class volunteer soldier who played an active part during the Japanese invasions of Korea, was from here. Wolgok in Wolgok History Park is this person’s pen name. The museum displays artifacts related to this.You can explore the entire park, including the museum, in 30 minutes. The museum is closed Sunday-Monday, and surprisingly, interpreters are available in the afternoon on business days. Entry to Nakdong Seowon is not allowed.Places of interest nearby- Daegu Arboretum- Duryu Park and E-Land- Moonlight Waterside Park (night)- Nampyeong Moon clan's original three beggars- Apsan Observatory- Anjirang Gopchang Alley
12:12 31 Aug 24
Wolgok Historical Park
22:46 19 Aug 24
Good, good, I want to go again
Merlin Wang
05:50 10 Aug 24
Moon Valley Historical ParkIt takes 10 minutes to walk from the subway station to a small historical park, bamboo forest, crape myrtle and lotus flowers, Korean traditional buildings and gardens, it is a very interesting small park.
06:33 25 Feb 24
08:35 03 Feb 24
Yeonjin Jeong
06:49 30 Jan 24
It’s really pretty in spring. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom.
08:17 28 Nov 23
05:18 25 Nov 23
12:46 12 Nov 23
There's a cool bamboo forest, a park, and most of all, I think it's great because there's a machine to recycle plastic transparent water bottles. It seems like I can accumulate points. (I captured the photo from Naver and uploaded it. I didn't have any photos taken yet.)
00:18 18 Apr 23
In April, the cherry blossoms fall and the double cherry blossoms are beautiful at Wolgok Historical Park. There are many visitors during the day on weekdays, so next time you can go early in the morning to take more pictures of your life.
Dheeraj Kumar
00:38 13 Feb 23
Its moderaterly big park compared to society govt jym parks, but not too big. A good place to have pleasant walk with family and friends.There is no enrty fee.Attraction: Bamboo trees, Chinese pillers, ancient sculptures, spaces for kids' playing, open and shaded sitting area, govt jym etc.I found it good for walking and running.
KwangYoung Kim
23:47 25 Apr 22
rest a while in this place but bit crowd than other park
14:04 20 Apr 19
Really nice park. Its picturesque here so bring a camera!!
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