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여행지 추가정보

대구에 위치한 관광지

Based on 115 reviews
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seon Kim (paru2x)
01:42 19 Nov 23
Seowon located in Woorok-ri, Gachang-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu. It enshrines the memorial tablet of Kim Chung-seon (金忠善, 1571-1642), a Japanese general who became a naturalized Korean citizen.General Kim Chung-seon returned home and trained younger students.Where he spent the rest of his lifeI recommend visiting while passing by.
04:07 22 Oct 23
It's small and quiet, so it's really nice to go in the fall. There's also a cafe nearby.
Sewook Kim
07:57 16 Sep 23
박동기 (뿌리깊은 나무)
18:35 29 Aug 23
It's nice to be quiet
04:50 27 Apr 23
I got to know General Kim Chung-seon, and I definitely recommend visiting the tomb of General Kim Chung-seon on the hillside behind the seowon.It gives a strange feeling with the four burial mounds and the four peaks at the foot of Mt. Samseong.
11:53 31 Aug 22
It's good to be able to learn about General Kim Chung-seon, who is different from Hansan movies.
Yukyong Chae
18:33 04 Jun 19
Nokdong Seowon (鹿洞書院) was built in 1794 (Jeongjo 18) to commemorate Mohadang Kim Chung-seon (1571-1642). Kim Chung-seon's given name is Seonji, and his pen name is Mohadang. Originally Japanese, his surname is Sa (沙), and his name is Yaga (也可). During the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592, he was naturalized and made a contribution. He was bestowed the four surnames Gimhae Kim Clan (金海金氏) and Chungseon from Seonjo, and became the progenitor of the Saseong Gimhae Kim Clan. After the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592, he lived in Urok-ri, Gachang-myeon, Dalseong-gun, and established family mottos and Hyangyak. His books include 『Mohadangjip(慕夏堂集)』 published in 1798 (Jeongjo 22).There is a tomb of Kim Chung-seon near the back of the seowon, but it was a pity that I couldn't find it because there was no guide and no one to manage it. Still, there is the Korea-Japan Friendship Hall right next to it, so you will be able to see it meaningfully.
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