
동화사는 대구광역시 동구 동화사길 1(도학동 35)에 위치한 사찰입니다. 팔공산 자락에 위치한 대한불교조계종 제9교구 본사로, 신라시대 신라의 승려 극달이 창건하였다고 전해집니다.

동화사는 다음과 같은 특징을 가지고 있습니다.

대한불교조계종 제9교구 본사로, 전국의 많은 사찰을 관장하고 있습니다.
팔공산을 대표하는 사찰로, 많은 사람들이 찾는 관광지입니다.
오동나무 꽃이 아름답기로 유명하여, ‘동화사’라는 이름이 붙여졌다는 설이 있습니다.
동화사에는 다음과 같은 주요 문화재가 있습니다.

보물 제1563호 동화사 대웅전 : 조선시대에 지어진 대웅전으로, 화려한 단청과 조각이 유명합니다.
보물 제1564호 동화사 팔상전 : 조선시대에 지어진 팔상전으로, 석가모니의 일생을 8개의 그림으로 표현한 팔상도가 유명합니다.
보물 제1565호 동화사 천왕문 : 조선시대에 지어진 천왕문으로, 화려한 단청과 조각이 유명합니다.
동화사는 대구의 대표적인 관광지이자, 많은 사람들이 찾는 사찰입니다. 팔공산의 아름다운 자연경관과 함께, 동화사의 문화재와 사찰의 분위기는 많은 사람들에게 깊은 감동을 줍니다.

여행지 추가정보

대구에 위치한 관광지

Based on 2352 reviews
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Ms K
23:54 26 Nov 24
It was a nice spot to visit and experience the Korean Buddhism community and culture.
문조연 (MJ문조)
08:46 25 Nov 24
It's been a while since I came hereIt seems like a lot has changed
13:17 22 Nov 24
10:18 20 Nov 24
Raising sashimi candles, ringing bells, and raising roof tiles. A beautiful temple with lots of content. May you all attain Buddhahood.
Sarah Kim
08:03 15 Nov 24
It is an old temple representing Palgongsan Mountain.3 treasures andThe stone Tongil Yaksa Tathagata Buddha boasts majesty.It is located at the foot of Palgongsan Mountain.Visit during the beautiful fall foliage season for healing.Admission is freeIf you park, there is a 3,000 won postpaid fee.
jangnyeoun kim
11:06 25 Jan 24
11:59 22 Jan 24
Darren Huang
10:01 16 Jan 24
Quiet pagoda with the beautiful garden inside
HS Cho
07:53 12 Jan 24
It is a quiet temple.
DK Kim (Talbotpapa)
12:51 07 Sep 23
No matter how much the civilization of the world has changed, the harmonized lines of the roof tiles of Donghwasa Temple and the lines of Palgong Mountain are still beautiful enough to take your breath away. Even a casual stroll in and around the temple will leave you feeling refreshed. But there's a thing you must be careful of. Do not visit Donghwasa Temple in October and November, when autumn is in full swing. You might have a feeling of being in heaven which can cause your mind to disembodied.
jihyun Park
13:49 24 May 23
The largest temple in palgong mountain팔공산 in Deagu city. Beautiful and easy access by walking from the gate. Lots of group visitors.
09:17 20 Oct 22
While chasing the dying, everywhere lacks energy; everything is muddled; everyone is confused. Especially me, all senses are closed here. I wouldn't meditate. Why did I come for this?
Lilly Maria Hong
03:17 18 Aug 22
I went there 17th of August ‘22. Bus 1 dropped me off at the main centre point. From there, it's about a 15 min walk. There is a tunnel you have to go through, but there is someone there where you have to buy tickets from (3000kw) for one access.It was there at 8 am, so it was quiet. People are already praying. When you turn right, you have to walk for just 5 min, and then you find the giant Buddha statue.One thing I love about Korea is not only at this place - clean toilets everywhere, more hygienic than my hostel 😂 and you can pay with your card if you want to buy a souvenir.Worth it. It takes approx. ~ 1.5 hours, so you can combine it with the cable cart.
Annie Urbina
05:14 01 Jun 22
Love it from the begging to the end!One of the peaceful places I ever been. Forest, temple, status, lantern, cascade~ evrrything! I enjoyed so much! Prepare your camera and a confy shoes, you will enjoy the architecture and the nature at the same time!
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