
달성습지는 대구광역시 달성군 다사읍, 화원읍, 고령군 다산면에 걸쳐 있는 습지입니다. 면적은 약 150만㎡에 달하며, 낙동강과 금호강, 진천천, 대명천 등 4곳이 만나는 지점에 형성되어 있습니다.

달성습지는 다음과 같은 특징을 가지고 있습니다.

낙동강 유역 최대의 습지입니다.
습지생태계의 보고로, 다양한 동식물이 서식하고 있습니다.
생태관광지로, 다양한 체험 프로그램이 운영되고 있습니다.
달성습지에는 다음과 같은 주요 동식물이 서식하고 있습니다.

동물 : 맹꽁이, 개구리, 도롱뇽, 두꺼비, 뱀, 왜가리, 고니, 오리, 물새 등
식물 : 갈대, 부들, 억새, 갯버들, 버드나무, 붉은대나무 등

달성습지는 대구 시민들에게 사랑받는 생태 관광지입니다. 다양한 동식물을 관찰하고, 자연 속에서 여유로운 시간을 보낼 수 있는 곳으로, 가족 단위의 방문객들에게 인기가 높은 곳이기도 합니다.

여행지 추가정보

대구에 위치한 관광지

달성습지 생태학습관
Based on 935 reviews
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01:56 17 Mar 24
10:20 10 Mar 24
This is a learning center in the middle of Dalseong Wetland designed to help people learn more about this place. Various living things such as plants, birds, fish, and insects that grow naturally are organized by theme, which is helpful for audio-visual education for children. There is plenty of parking, and Samunjin Tavern Village and Hwawon Hill are nearby, making it a great place to explore together. From the observatory on the 4th floor, you can observe the wetlands through a telescope.
07:10 08 Mar 24
How can I win if I have fun and work hard to become the best president?
08:58 17 Feb 24
sg k
08:16 16 Feb 24
Charissa Pm
15:25 08 Sep 22
Abdul Alim
10:17 01 Aug 22
It's beautiful 😍
backup file
12:08 15 May 22
quentin stollery
11:02 03 Jan 20
Now that the centre is up and running this is a nice place to come for a quiet walk and to see some wild life. You can walk here from Gangchang Station by exiting the station from exit 1 and walking straight, once you reach the next left turn (by the garage) you will see a road running parallel to the main road on the other side of a noise-reducing fence, take this road and just before you meet the river a footpath starts. This path will take you all the way to the centre.There are plenty of things to do at the centre, and if you continue along the walkway to Hwawon you will see loads of wildlife and be able to have some pajeon and makeolli at the village themed rest area there.The best thing about this area, other than the wildlife is the fantastic sunset over the bridge... worth the walk if you don't have a car to drive to the centre.
KwangYoung Kim
05:51 04 Nov 19
good experience with my kids. you can also see a beautiful sunset if timing is perfect. but parking lot is too small. you may park at the side of the entering road.
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