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칠성야시장은 다양한 종류의 먹거리를 판매하는 상점들이 밀집되어 있는 곳입니다. 전통적인 길거리 음식부터 새로운 창작 음식까지 다양한 먹거리를 맛볼 수 있습니다. 또한, 야외 공연과 이벤트가 열려 볼거리와 즐길거리가 풍부합니다.

칠성야시장의 대표적인 먹거리로는 다음과 같은 것들이 있습니다.


칠성야시장은 대구 시민뿐만 아니라 전국의 많은 사람들이 찾는 관광 명소입니다. 다양한 먹거리와 볼거리, 즐길거리를 즐기며 여유로운 시간을 보내고 싶은 분들이라면 칠성야시장을 방문해 보시기 바랍니다.

칠성야시장은 대구 시민들에게 사랑받는 도심 속 먹거리와 볼거리, 즐길거리의 천국입니다. 다양한 활동을 즐기며 여유로운 시간을 보내고 싶은 분들이라면 칠성야시장을 방문해 보시기 바랍니다.

여행지 추가정보

대구에 위치한 관광지

별별상상 칠성야시장
Based on 854 reviews
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Carpe Diem
13:52 20 Oct 24
11:51 05 Oct 24
I went there to exercise, but I just felt bad.
02:01 15 Sep 24
It's not big, but there was a performance and it was good to go at night.
11:13 08 Sep 24
ta a
11:17 30 Jul 24
13:32 30 Dec 23
Ayesha Siddiqa
05:32 26 Dec 23
13:30 25 Dec 23
Good whipped cream waffle
10:32 25 Dec 23
It is better when there are fewer people than when there are many. Food temperature is different
09:33 19 Dec 23
It was my first time going and there were no people because the weather was cold.Even though the store is open, there isn't much there. It's empty. I'll have to come back later when it's warmer.
Nadira Mahmoudy
12:53 04 Jun 23
It's funny place there's a lot of delicious food
Oh Supavita
09:19 28 Mar 23
I dont get why they’re closed. Pls tell me.
Hairkham Sisuvanh
03:04 13 Sep 22
Wonderful views along with the river and have many kinds of street food, drinking and enjoy with the shows
Faiz Jillani
11:45 30 Oct 20
It was a good experience walking around the stream and enjoying the live music . There are different stalls out there.I ate halal food from Uncle kebab and it's very nice to see a halal place around such a beautiful place. You can also visit and eat halal food. The tortilla kebab is the best in daegu here. I think it's far much better then Nazar kebab in downtown. You have to try it if you are a kebab lover.UNCLE KEBAB 👍
Lani Hendrick
11:56 27 Jun 20
Lots of food stands, some alcohol, family friendly and right along the Sincheon River. Most of the food carts we went to accepted credit cards. There was a DJ playing music and a kpop group looked like the were setting up to perform before we left.
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