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여행지 추가정보

대구에 위치한 관광지

Apsan Sunset Observatory
Based on 38 reviews
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04:10 17 Feb 24
It's nice to take a slow walk...
Ann Daiz
Ann Daiz
17:08 12 Feb 24
The Apsan Sunset observatory deck is a good place to spot a beautiful sunset view. It is haft surrounded by the mountain view and haft city view with stunning E-Tower of Daegu city. The long bridge from the mountain is connecting to the Observatory deck. It is the tourist spot area where you can see Apsan Sunset observatory deck and Santa Village at the same place. It's a good place to visit during the afternoon sunset and evening to see different colors around the Santa Village and colorful E-tower.It is FREE public area.It is open from 9am to 10pm.Dogs are only allowed on the ground around the Santa Village.But strictly not allowed tru the stairs up to the Observatory deck to avoid possible incidents.Please follow the guidelines indicated.(I took some picture of it.)
13:45 05 Jan 24
Free public parking for 1 hour~
03:09 10 Dec 23
Dusik Lee
Dusik Lee
21:44 07 Dec 23
Night view is amazing
01:35 14 Apr 23
If you are lucky, one of the Ajumma’s working there will take pretty good photos of you ✌🏼😎
Charissa Pm
Charissa Pm
15:58 27 Sep 22
So beautiful place 🌅📸🇰🇷
Gilbert Rivera (Gibs)
Gilbert Rivera (Gibs)
06:11 09 Nov 20
One of the most beautiful locations to visit is Apsan Observatory. I came here with friends to see the sunset and the place itself is a masterpiece. This observatory is made of spiral wood which depicts a twisted towel. From the top, you can see the beautiful view of Daegu with sunsetting.
18:07 05 Nov 20
you can see very wide view of Daegu here and also sunset infront of the mountain
Jack's Journey
Jack's Journey
15:12 21 Oct 20
This is Apsan sunset observatory, which is alternative to the Apsan observatory to see beautiful sunset in Daegu city. It is 13 meters high and it is easy to access just from main road. The contract of sunset to Daegu city was really beautiful, even at night the observatory light up in different colors.
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