진천 배티 성지

진천 배티 성지는 충청북도 진천군 백곡면 양백리에 있는 천주교 성지입니다.
1830년대 박해를 피해 숨어들던 천주교 신자들에 의해 敎友村이 형성되었으며, 1850년에는 프랑스 선교사 다블뤼(한국 성명 안敦伊) 성인 주교가 설립한 우리나라 최초의 신학교인 朝鮮敎區神學校가 자리잡았던 곳입니다. 2011년 3월 4일 충청북도의 기념물 제150호로 지정되었습니다.
배티 성지는 조선 후기 천주교 박해의 역사와 더불어 한국 천주교 발전의 터전으로 중요한 의미를 지닙니다.

성지 내에는 다음과 같은 주요 볼거리가 있습니다.
-최양업 신부 성당터:1866년 최양업 신부가 순교하기 전까지 거주했던 곳입니다. 현재는 성당터에 기념비가 세워져 있습니다.
-최양업 신부 박물관:최양업 신부의 생애와 업적을 기리는 박물관입니다.
-오반지 바오로 복자 순교성당:오반지 바오로 복자가 순교하기 전까지 미사를 드렸던 곳입니다.
-십자가 언덕: 배티 성지에서 가장 높은 곳으로, 십자가가 세워져 있습니다. 십자가 언덕에서 내려다보는 풍경은 매우 아름답습니다.

여행지 추가정보

충청북도에 위치한 관광지

Based on 701 reviews
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12:35 12 Apr 24
Great place for a drive..It's a good drive course to rest here for a while and climb up to Inwonjae in one go.The road up and down is short, but the angles are very curved, so cornering is fun.On the way down, there is a restaurant with a cafe.Stir-fried pork is delicious
Kevin Kim
04:58 01 Mar 24
It is a sacred site including a cathedral that is good for a walk or light hiking course. There is a parking lot at the entrance, and there is a main temple, a restaurant, a cafe, and a store selling relics. It's much wider than you might think, so it's hard to walk all the way around, but it's good for a light walk that just takes you to the statue of the Virgin Mary in the forest. The surroundings are quiet and clean, and the cathedral itself is a nice place. In particular, the museum is well maintained and I definitely recommend a visit. One thing that is disappointing is that the museum has always had a self-service cafe, but it is no longer in operation, so it would have been nice to have at least a vending machine. In addition, the museum itself was clean and nice, but the heating was not working very well, so I had no choice but to visit in cold conditions. The relic shop at the entrance also sells a variety of relics at reasonable prices, making it a good place to purchase one or two items, but it appears to only accept cash or bank transfer. The cafe also has outdoor tables at reasonable prices, so I would definitely visit again when the weather is nice. It is a sacred place worth taking the time to stop by when passing nearby.
Alice Tan
08:14 22 Feb 24
Baithi Martyrs' Shrine, a special place not only for Korean Catholics but a believer like me. The history of Korean Catholic Church and her martyrs and faithful is truly incredible. This place was their hiding place during the time of persecution.Fr Thomas Choe Yong Eop Museum is definitely worth a visit.The place was particularly beautiful today because it snowed.
Allgemein Neumann
07:50 04 Mar 18
Very nice church with interesting historical background.
Dale Perez
13:17 28 Dec 16
Pilgrims' place...
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