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여행지 추가정보

충청북도에 위치한 관광지

Jeungpyeong Folk Experience Museum
Based on 180 reviews
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Bomi Yoon
01:45 03 Feb 24
A feeling of not being able to utilize a well-made placeIn addition to folk experiences on the weekends, there are also visitors on weekdays.Please allow me to fully feel the appreciation.
Janice Kim
00:07 10 Jan 23
2023.01.08 SundayThe sledding slope is open during the winter season.It's 5,000 won per person, but it's more of a sled rental fee than an admission fee.If you are under 7 years old, you can ride on the sled only with one person and a guardian.Ice sledding is also 5,000 won.There is a small food market in the greenhouse. The menu is priced at 5,000 won. The rice cake soup is delicious.Because the food is prepared by local residents, it tastes delicious and delicious in the countryside.It's a bit complicated at lunchtime and there's no ordering system, so it's a bit messy, but I understand because it's not a specialty restaurant.The sledding slope is really short and the slope isn't that steep so it's good for toddlers too, but there are safety guards.Originally, you had to pay 5,000 won and receive a yellow bracelet and check it before entering, but they didn't inspect it properly and it seems a bit lax.There is a snow hill next to the sledding hill, but since there are no management personnel, there are children playing dangerously and it looks a bit dangerous.The Folk Experience Museum is free.It's very clean, but there's not much to see compared to the size.Well, it was okay since I saw it while I was there, but there is nothing to see if you come to the folk museum alone.
Jieun Kim
09:09 30 Jan 22
Best experience Cleanliness Friendliness The best tourist attraction in Jeungpyeong 3,000 won Snow sledding was more enjoyable than High1 ski resort A museum that wouldn't be strange at all even if it was converted to a paid museum It's really the best
07:39 29 Aug 21
It's a great place to visit with kids.I was able to experience it and it was great.
07:16 16 Jul 21
I also experienced a treasure hunt, folk play experience, and cotton wool.Because it was a weekday, I couldn't do other experiences, but it was still a good time to learn about old culture with my child.
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