
괴사호는 충청북도 괴산군에 위치한 아름다운 인공호수입니다.

괴산호는 1973년에 홍천강을 막아 건설되었으며, 넓이는 6.7㎢입니다. 괴산호는 맑은 물과 울창한 숲으로 유명하며, 다양한 레저 활동을 즐길 수 있는 곳입니다.
괴산호에서 즐길 수 있는 레저 활동으로는 낚시, 캠핑, 카누, 요트 등이 있습니다. 괴산호는 붕어, 잉어, 쏘가리 등 다양한 물고기가 서식하고 있어 낚시 명소로도 유명합니다. 또한, 괴산호 주변에는 캠핑장이 여러 곳 조성되어 있어 가족 나들이 장소로도 인기가 많습니다.
괴산호는 가을 단풍이 특히 아름다운 곳으로 유명합니다. 가을에는 괴산호 주변의 산들이 다양한 색으로 물들어 장관을 이루고, 이를 보기 위해 많은 관광객들이 방문합니다.

여행지 추가정보

충청북도에 위치한 관광지

Based on 82 reviews
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10:33 16 Oct 23
I went there in the late afternoonThere were no people and it was very quiet.
Mugahed A. Al-antari
02:57 21 May 23
괴산호 (Goesan Lake)💞 is a perfect natural place can you think to visit during spring and summer seasons.It is a natural lake among mountains and very beautiful and green trees around you.You can also do hiking around which is called the old path of 산막이옛길.It is very recommended once you try to visit 충북도.Don't forget to try the Korean traditional delicious food called Mountain Mushroom stew (산버섯찌개💞🍄🍷)It is amazing ... just try and let's know your opinion 🙋‍♂️
hojun Lee
12:45 31 Jul 19
It is a historically significant place located in the middle of Goesan Lake, with a topography similar to that on the map of Korea. There is a mountain road around Goesan Lake, so it is a place visited by many tourists. The surrounding scenery is beautiful and there are several docks, so you can use a cruise ship when trekking along Sanmagi-gil.A similar geography to the Korean map is the historic center of the Goesan. It is a place where tourists are looking for, because there is an alpine path around Goesan Lake. The surrounding scenery is beautiful and the marina has many places.
11:46 24 May 19
The walking course along Sanmagi Old Road is beautiful. I also like the detailed information about the surrounding trees, stones, caves, etc.
08:58 14 Apr 18
It's a great place for trekking for children and the elderly too.
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