
진천 길상사는 충청북도 진천군 진천읍 벽암리 508번지에 위치한 김유신 장군의 영정을 모신 사당입니다.
1975년 2월 21일 충청북도의 기념물 제1호로 지정되었습니다.
길상사는 예전의 모습을 거의 그대로 간직하고 있으며, 홍살문을 들어서면 본전인 흥무전(興武殿)을 비롯해 관리사·내삼문·협문으로 구성되어 있습니다. 흥무전에는 김유신 장군의 영정과 함께 삼국사기, 증보문헌록 등 김유신 장군과 관련된 유물들이 전시되어 있습니다.
길상사 주변에는 도당산성, 옥순봉 등 다양한 관광 명소가 있습니다.

여행지 추가정보

충청북도에 위치한 관광지

진천 길상사
Based on 102 reviews
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K.H. S.
11:39 04 Oct 22
It is a shrine that houses the portrait of General Kim Yu-shin of Silla.There is no explanation. Why is it Gilsangsa? When was it built? Who built it and why? I wish they could be a little kinder.
16:57 02 Dec 21
It's great to see fall foliage.The ginkgo tree looks really nice, but it smells ㅠㅠThe stairs are steep, so be careful not to slip on the fallen leaves.
03:26 01 Nov 21
There is parking in front of the entrance.On the way from the parking lot to Gilsangsa Temple, there are ginkgo trees on both sides, which are worth seeing.The temple is on a hilloverall shortThere is a walking path next to the temple.Good for walking along the ginkgo tree road
07:35 01 May 21
This is the shrine of General Kim Yu-shin, and it is quite large in scale. The walk from the parking lot is very beautiful.It is well maintained and requires some climbing of stairs.
08:45 20 Jun 19
It is hard enough to climb a couole hundreds steps and yet they moved the parking area further down the hill. I am sure they have reason, but I don't agree.A shrine for the famous general of ShilLa kingdom who conquered BaikJe and GoGuRyur. By doing so, Korea lost vast area in current Manchuria. For that reason, he made Korea a small and weak nation.
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