
음성문화예술회관은 충청북도 음성군 음성읍에 위치한 문화 예술 공간입니다.
2008년에 개관한 음성문화예술회관은 공연, 전시, 교육 등 다양한 문화 예술 활동을 지원하고 지역 문화의 발전에 기여하기 위해 설립되었습니다.
음성문화예술회관은 대공연장, 다목적실, 전시실, 연습실, 문화교실, 리허설실 등 다양한 시설을 갖추고 있습니다.

음성문화예술회관의 주요 공연 및 전시
-공연: 음악 공연, 연극 공연, 무용 공연 등 다양한 공연들이 열립니다.
-전시: 미술 전시, 사진 전시, 공예 전시 등 다양한 전시들이 열립니다.
여행지 추가정보

충청북도에 위치한 관광지

Based on 196 reviews
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04:34 03 Jul 22
I think it is becoming a space that quenches the local people's thirst for cultural performances. People in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do often say that they hesitate when it is difficult to reserve tickets, but I think it is a shame that there are not many performances overall. The local community center is also close by, so we will be able to provide mutual assistance in case of a lack of parking space. I hope there will be more performances such as plays, musicals, and concerts in the future.
17:58 19 May 22
Although it is a county-level concert hall, it is well-equipped with parking facilities and sound facilities. The venue is not large, but it is sufficient.It's nice to plan a good performance well and hold it at a reasonable price.I hope Eumseong-gun receives a lot of praise.This is the kind of place that breaks the idea that only big cities have good cultural benefits.I hope it gets a lot of publicity so more performances take place.
03:30 26 Dec 19
It's a place where you can see performances with good sound facilities. Although the venue is not large, the sound is good and there are performances by famous people, so I visit often.
aden Lee
aden Lee
00:13 04 Nov 18
Insufficient parking space but you can see the special art
06:58 01 Jun 18
Although it is a small local culture and arts center with 600 seats, it is famous for its recruiting ability. I couldn't make reservations for last year's Yuki Kuramoto performance due to a server down, but I was able to see this Richard Yongjae O'Neill & Lim Dong-hyuk performance. Also, there is a children's playroom and there was someone taking care of the children last year, but I don't know what it is like now. If it weren't for the parking lot, it would be 5 stars...
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