
수생식물학습원은 충청북도 옥천군 군북면 방아실길 255에 위치한 학습 시설입니다.
2009년 6월 15일에 개관한 수생식물학습원은 국내에서 3번째로 큰 대청호 한복판에 자리 잡고 있으며, 아름다운 호수 정원으로 산책을 하며 꽃구경을 할 수 있는 곳입니다.
수생식물학습원에는 약 500여 종의 수생식물들이 전시되어 있으며, 이국적인 파피루스, 수련, 왕붓꽃 등을 볼 수 있습니다. 또한, 학습원 내에는 다양한 체험 프로그램이 운영되고 있어, 아이들과 함께 방문하기 좋은 곳입니다.

수생식물학습원의 주요 시설 및 볼거리
-수생식물 전시관:다양한 수생식물들을 관람할 수 있는 전시관입니다.
-호수 정원:아름다운 호수 정원을 따라 산책을 즐길 수 있습니다.
-체험 프로그램: 연꽃잎 접기 체험, 수생식물 심기 체험, 물고기 먹이주기 체험 등 다양한 체험 프로그램이 운영되고 있습니다.
-카페: 호수를 바라보며 여유로운 시간을 보낼 수 있는 카페입니다.

여행지 추가정보

충청북도에 위치한 관광지

Aquatic Botanical Garden
Based on 1374 reviews
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04:55 06 Apr 24
Nice vantage points of the lake!Although the place felt a bit dated and probably frozen in time. The nature around was really niceThere’s a nice quaint cafe with a lot of antiques to have coffee and where we waited out the weather.There was a small chapel on a cliff as well which made for good photos.You’ll need a car to access this place.
Kim's Adventures
09:12 16 Jul 22
It costs 6,000 won per adult and 4,000 won per child. It takes about fifty minutes to complete the self-tour. It is very nice and interesting there. My favorite part was going up to the top of one of the towers on the castle-like building. If you aren't scared of heights, I recommend you do it. The view is amazing!Definitely do not run or rush your way through this place. Some of the trails are narrow or have a branch or rock obstructing the way. They also have the smallest church in the world located there. It was so cute! You can go inside, but take off your shoes first.Definitely go, there is also a coffee shop and is great for a date or a day out with the family or friends.
Malik Waqar Arshad
03:09 28 Oct 21
Its fantastic place for nature lover. Lake view is outstanding. There is cafeteria from where you can take coffee and snacks and sit infront of the lake. Also, there is nursery from where you can buy plants. there are a small church and two beautiful castle looks alike houses. its a good place to visit with family.
09:49 28 Aug 21
If you live in the vicinity of Daejeon it is one of the must-see places.
15:49 06 Oct 20
너무 예쁜 곳 매일 가도 좋을듯요Here's very very beautiful garden.You can heal and refresh at here.Silent, beautiful, fresh.....You should be falling in love with this place. I trust.
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