부산근대 역사관

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여행지 추가정보

부산에 위치한 관광지

Busan Modern and Contemporary History Museum Annex
Based on 1101 reviews
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Yong Tae Kim
Yong Tae Kim
04:51 21 Oct 23
The museum is closed for expansion into a new location next to the annex. The annex used to be the old museum, but has been remodeled into a library.
Josiah Wadsack
Josiah Wadsack
07:39 12 May 23
The museum's collections are closed until December 2023 as it moves to a new building next door. The current building has been turned into a library. Nothing to see, but looks like a nice place to study or work.
Percy Mitchell III
Percy Mitchell III
09:56 26 Nov 20
The Busan Modern History Museum is definitely a must see for history buffs or for people who want just want to get away to a quiet place. It's very informative and you'll learn a lot about how Busan came to be from the 1850's to the Modern day.
Rodolfo Leitão
Rodolfo Leitão
03:26 22 Oct 19
Well documented history of Busan. A must see to understand the way that the japanese entered in Korea.
Reynaldo Gallardo
Reynaldo Gallardo
22:21 24 Nov 18
The most intriguing feature - for me - is the way the Japanese colonization is described. No toning down there. Almost shocking.Another worth mentioning is the inter-active geogtaphical map that lights up the part on the geographical presenration the place you select and then plays a video on screen showing historical data of the place.
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