
동래향교는 부산 동래구에 위치한 조선시대의 향교입니다. 1392년(태조 1)에 설립된 후 임진왜란으로 소실되었으나 1605년(선조 38)에 재건되었습니다. 동래향교는 유교 교육기관으로서 성현(聖賢)을 제사하고 유생에게 유학을 교육하는 역할을 수행했습니다.

주요 시설:
-대성전: 공자를 비롯한 유교 성현들을 모신 곳입니다.
-명륜당: 유생들이 학문을 배우고 토론하는 곳입니다.
-동무: 유생들이 기숙하는 곳입니다.
-사당: 향교의 설립과 유지에 힘쓴 사람들을 기리는 곳입니다.

현재 동래향교는 부산광역시 기념물 제61호로 지정되어 있으며, 다양한 교육 프로그램과 문화 행사를 통해 전통 문화를 계승하고 발전시키는 역할을 하고 있습니다.

여행지 추가정보

부산에 위치한 관광지

Dongnae Hyanggyo (Confucian Academy)
Based on 59 reviews
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01:04 10 Dec 23
The Confucian perspective is important, and in particular, the reason why community society degenerates into nuclear individualism is because social norms are damaged. According to the so-called logic of Xunzi, full of desires and desires, people are originally born as evil people, and education is the only way to achieve character through ethical practices such as home education and school education.Therefore, I believe that education on normative elements in Confucian schools is urgently needed.
02:15 29 Nov 23
Ginkgo tree leaves are at their peak right now.It's colored yellow and pretty.I went during lunch time on a weekday.I went for a quiet walk.Parking is available
13:06 15 Nov 23
It's a strange feeling to have Hyanggyo right in the middle of the city and an elementary school right next to it.It looks like the medalist will be coming soon, but it's a shame because the building is so new.
17:19 08 Jul 23
If you like quiet and private spaces, a spiritual symbol of Dongrae and Busan, be sure to visit Dongraehyanggyo, which is colored yellow with autumn leaves. However, you must be careful with ginkgo nuts.
hiko kan
hiko kan
10:12 06 Oct 17
Traditional Confucious architecture between many mansions but it still looked good. The staff was very nice and helped us to take the lovely pictures.It is the history of Dongnae(東萊) and Busan(釜山)!
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