
거북섬은 경기도 시흥시 시화호 북쪽에 위치한 인공섬으로, 위에서 내려다보면 거북이가 엎드려 있는 모양새를 하고 있습니다. 2003년에 조성되었으며, 2010년부터 시흥시에서 거북섬을 중심으로 해양레저 복합단지 조성 사업을 추진하고 있습니다.

거북섬의 주요 시설 및 볼거리
웨이브파크:세계 최대 규모의 인공서핑장으로, 초보부터 숙련자까지 누구나 서핑을 즐길 수 있습니다.
시화호 자연생태공원:시화호의 아름다운 자연을 감상하며 산책을 즐길 수 있는 공원입니다.
거북섬 문화공원:다양한 문화 행사와 공연이 열리는 공원입니다.
요트 및 카누 체험: 시화호에서 요트나 카누를 타고 호수의 풍경을 감상할 수 있습니다.
낚시: 시화호는 낚시 명소로도 유명하며, 붕어, 잉어 등 다양한 물고기를 낚실 수 있습니다.
여행지 추가정보

경기도에 위치한 관광지

Based on 66 reviews
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00:01 04 Apr 24
It's pretty. It will be fantastic when the sea bridge is completed. The cafes facing the sea also have a nice view. Most of the shops are still vacant.
huniok lee
huniok lee
08:45 15 Feb 24
It was so nice. Everything here is almost perfect. Why isn't there something like this in Hanam? The square footage is very spacious and open, the chairs are good, the service is good, and the bathroom is clean. Not to mention the view, it just feels good to stay. The only downside is that the coffee cups are almost small. The capacity is too small. It looks like you ordered the wrong glass. If you pay more than 20,000 won, you can get that small glass. This is good. It's a new cafe, so it seems to be limited from January until now.
hyunmi Park
hyunmi Park
15:18 06 Feb 24
Filmed at Kraf Cafe ~ The view is great ~
09:20 21 Jan 24
This is the cute Turtle Island I saw on my trip to Tokyo.The world is so cute when seen from the sky
Heny Kim
Heny Kim
07:06 27 Jul 22
The entire city is currently under construction, but it is a marine theme park city that will be a different world when completed. Among them, Wave Park is a great place to spend time with children.There are many restaurants nearby, and although construction is underway, various shops are scheduled to open.I definitely recommend visiting Hanbeo, as it is not far from the metropolitan area.
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