
광교호수공원은 경기도 수원시 영통구 하동 일대에 위치한 대한민국 최대 규모의 도심 호수공원입니다. 1996년에 조성되었으며, 2014년 대한민국 경관대상에서 우리나라 최고의 경관으로 선정되기도 했습니다.

광교호수공원의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다.
-넓은 규모: 광교호수공원은 약 202만㎡의 넓은 규모를 자랑하며, 이는 서울의 여의도공원보다 2배 이상 큰 규모입니다.
-다양한 볼거리 및 즐길 거리: 광교호수공원에는 넓은 호수, 아름다운 산책로, 다양한 테마 정원, 체육시설, 문화시설 등이 조성되어 있어 다양한 볼거리와 즐길 거리를 제공합니다.
-도심 속 자연: 광교호수공원은 서울 근교에 위치한 도심 속 공원이지만, 넓은 호수와 숲 덕분에 자연을 가까이 느낄 수 있는 곳입니다.
-아름다운 야경: 광교호수공원은 야경이 특히 아름답습니다. 호수 주변에는 다양한 조명이 설치되어 있어 야간에도 아름다운 풍경을 감상할 수 있습니다.

광교호수공원은 가족, 연인, 친구들과 함께 즐거운 시간을 보내기에 좋은 곳입니다. 아름다운 자연 속에서 다양한 볼거리와 즐길 거리를 경험해보세요.
여행지 추가정보

경기도에 위치한 관광지

Gwanggyo Lake Park
Based on 5933 reviews
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ENA FreeSoul
ENA FreeSoul
15:46 14 Apr 24
A leisurely stroll during the spring season provides an aesthetically pleasing experience in the evening hours.
Tracie Wright
Tracie Wright
16:29 21 Oct 23
I stayed in an apartment overlooking Gwanggyo Lake Park and walked there most days of my stay. It was August and the temperature was like walking into a solid wall of heat. When walking in the daytime the lake was most quiet apart from families taking advantage of the spouts of water to cool off young children. At nighttime families and couples and everyone come out to walk around and take some exercise out of the day time sun. At night time the lake is lit up and looks beautiful. In the daytime the cicadas sing and the noise is, at times, deafening. It felt very safe walking around the lake, even when on my own. I stayed for a week and walked around the lake lots of times, and each time I was able to vary my route as there are so many different paths.
Waqas Rahman
Waqas Rahman
10:30 23 Aug 23
The serene waters and lush surroundings make it perfect for a leisurely stroll or a peaceful picnic. The walking paths are well-maintained, offering picturesque views and opportunities for relaxation. The park's design seamlessly blends nature with modern architecture, creating a harmonious atmosphere. However, limited facilities like restrooms and food options can be a drawback. Overall, Gwangyo Lake provides a refreshing escape from the city's hustle and bustle, allowing visitors to unwind and connect with nature. It's a hidden gem, though some additional amenities would enhance the experience even more.
Wandile Duma
Wandile Duma
14:29 12 Jun 23
I have been here a total of three times and I intend to go back because it's so gorgeous and peaceful. You can have a picnic. You can walk around the lake or cycle around. Lots to do. So many cafes to enjoy coffee. You can also go up the tower and get a great view of surrounding areas.
03:46 12 Feb 23
It's a great place for walking and there is a tall tower that people can go up to the top by an elevator for free. There are many stores and restaurants in some parts of the park. I recommend it.
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