
수원화성은 조선시대 후기인 1794년(정조 18년)부터 1796년(정조 20년)까지 2년 6개월 동안 축성된 성곽으로, 대한민국의 사적 제3호이자 유네스코 세계문화유산으로 지정된 곳입니다.

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수원화성은 한국의 역사와 문화를 배우고 체험할 수 있는 최고의 장소입니다. 아름다운 자연경관과 다양한 볼거리, 즐길 거리를 갖춘 수원화성을 방문하여 잊지 못할 추억을 만들어보세요.
여행지 추가정보

경기도에 위치한 관광지

Suwon Hwaseong Fortress
Based on 8225 reviews
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22:40 06 Apr 24
Excellent place for an easy hike. We completed the full circle hike in about 2 and a half hours and logged 12,500 steps. It is a great history lesson of the fortress while enjoying the beautiful view.
03:03 18 Feb 24
Hwaseong Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Suwon, South Korea, is a captivating blend of history and architecture. Constructed in the late 18th century by King Jeongjo, it stands as a testament to Korean ingenuity. The fortress is renowned for its well-preserved walls, watchtowers, and gates, offering visitors a journey back in time.One of the fortress's highlights is its innovative design, incorporating both traditional Korean and Western military elements. The Suwoncheon stream flows through the fortress, adding a scenic charm. The intricate stonework and strategic layout showcase the military prowess of the Joseon Dynasty.Exploring Hwaseong Fortress is like stepping into a living museum. The various pavilions and command posts provide insight into the daily life and military strategies of the time. The commanding view from the Suwon Hwaseong Museum allows visitors to appreciate the grandeur of the entire fortress.Furthermore, the fortress hosts cultural events, reenactments, and festivals that breathe life into its historical ambiance. Whether strolling along the walls or enjoying the tranquil surroundings, Hwaseong Fortress offers a rich cultural experience for history enthusiasts and casual tourists alike. It stands as a symbol of South Korea's commitment to preserving its heritage and is a must-visit destination for anyone seeking a deep dive into the country's past.
Jennise Lamb
Jennise Lamb
12:42 30 Jan 24
Hwaseong Fortress is a beautiful structure built in the 1700’s. It’s a destination that surely will not disappoint. From the fortress gates to the walls, the inner city streets and the hike up to the look out point, there is something for everyone to see. It’s not uncommon to see locals eating on picnic blankets and others hiking up the dirt paths, barefoot. The area is certainly a wonderful place to visit to feel a sense of historic Korean spirit and culture. There are plenty of parking areas nearby and wonderful food places to eat.
Beyan Alkan
Beyan Alkan
23:35 02 Jan 24
A place for people who like to walk. Additionally, we entered the forest and thus had the experience of walking in the forest. The shops and vendors inside gave the feeling of old times. In conclusion, it is a nice location.
Buster Got it
Buster Got it
00:40 24 Dec 23
Fantastic fortress! You can walk around the entire wall from the inside like a soldier once use to do it. Outside walk is also nice to do. Plenty of restaurants and cafes, pizzerias inside and outside the wall. Lot of places are catered towards young people are tourists. Few traditional restaurants do exist inside the walls. Definitely try and hike the entire wall and over the hill, totally worth it and highly recommend this place!!! Not sure why they say you need tickets but the entrance to get inside and ariund the fortress were free on weekday.
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