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여행지 추가정보

경기도에 위치한 관광지

Eobi Ice Valley
Based on 161 reviews
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Lucas Liu
Lucas Liu
13:27 27 Feb 24
Join one day tour to this place, which takes around 80-90 mins to there by bus.There are great and beautiful snow view.It totally worthy it,Then, I hope I could get the invite to the camp of MLB. (笑)
Kit Lee
Kit Lee
16:34 18 Feb 24
Eobi Ice Valley is a beautiful destination. However, visiting in the middle of February may not be the best idea as the ice was starting to melt.But it’s a lovely place to be away for a day.
03:13 04 Feb 24
I joined a klook tour and eobi valley was one of the stops. indeed, the frozen waterfalls simply looked stunning in winter. too bad the area had been cordoned off. you cant go down to the river or get close to touch the waterfall ice.
09:43 21 Jan 24
It's very pretty but the frozen feature doesn't look as magnificent or big as in the photo.Looks smaller and there is a long banner in front of it that doesn't look so nice in photosDo be careful at the sides as kids like to play near the icy areas. There are thin sharp icicles that might dropThey have a similar feature that is a frozen fountain at nami Island. So if the tour doesn't offer this, can give it a miss as its out of the place and doesn't have any other interesting places near this
Wannachai Burke
Wannachai Burke
04:29 04 Jan 24
Beautiful place especially in winter, it was the definition of a winter wonderland.There is not much to do here other than to take photos but would definitely recommend to visit in the winter.
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