
안동 낙강물길공원은 안동시 풍천면에 위치한 공원입니다. 2012년에 개장하였으며, 넓은 잔디밭, 아름다운 연못, 폭포 등 다양한 시설을 갖추고 있습니다.

주요 시설
-낙동강변 산책로: 낙동강변을 따라 조성된 산책로입니다.
-자전거길: 낙동강변을 따라 조성된 자전거길입니다.
-잔디밭: 피크닉을 즐길 수 있는 잔디밭입니다.
-연못: 연꽃과 다양한 수생식물이 있는 연못입니다.
-폭포: 작은 폭포입니다.
-전망대: 낙동강과 안동댐의 경치를 감상할 수 있는 전망대입니다.

안동 낙강물길공원은 낙동강의 아름다운 경치를 감상하고 다양한 즐길 거리를 즐길 수 있는 곳입니다. 안동을 방문하신다면 꼭 가보시길 추천합니다.

여행지 추가정보

경상북도에 위치한 관광지

Based on 538 reviews
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이정훈 (Bogus)
이정훈 (Bogus)
00:16 23 Mar 24
at dawn. Gan Waterway ParkIt was quiet, full of dew and moisture...I was able to take some nice photos.
12:16 11 Dec 23
There was a very high wooden bridge across the river. There was a set time for the fountain to come out, and the view from the river was pretty.You could also see Andong Dam right next to it. There were also delicious restaurants and convenience stores nearby.
2 cacl
2 cacl
00:43 25 Oct 23
I went there because many people recommended it, but other than the fact that it looked pretty when I took pictures, I wasn't very impressed. People who live in Andong seem to come for a picnic.There are about 2 sets of tables and chairs.The lawn isn't that big either. There are two small ponds with fountains.It's small.If you go up, you can see the panoramic view of Andong from the top of Andong Dam. It only takes about 20 minutes to climb. If you are tired, you can drive up and there is a parking lot under the pavilion.
05:26 10 Dec 20
Good for short taking a walk with beautiful scenery.
03:59 08 Jan 20
The atmosphere is peaceful.
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