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구암근린공원은 2014년 CNN이 선정한 세계에서 가장 아름다운 공원 100선에 선정되기도 했습니다.
여행지 추가정보

서울에 위치한 관광지

Heo Jun Neighborhood Park
Based on 852 reviews
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14:02 04 May 20
A good park in the neighborhood. There's an artificial pond.
James Choi
James Choi
07:27 19 Mar 20
There's not much to do here but it's relatively close to Han river which means you go walk along the river via this place. Some good!
Kiwoong Nam
Kiwoong Nam
09:27 19 Nov 19
It is ok to walk or jogging on the track. But no more than that
Abdul Khadar
Abdul Khadar
12:42 10 Oct 19
Super cool feels so happy to see such a nice River side walk and cycling
SY Chun
SY Chun
08:22 13 Feb 18
Cozy place with a cafe. Good for spending an hour for reading with puppies. Trees and empty benches.
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