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석남사에는 다음과 같은 주요 문화재가 있습니다.

울주 석남사 승탑(보물 제369호): 통일신라시대의 승탑으로, 석조 승탑으로는 국내에서 가장 큰 규모를 자랑합니다.

석남사 삼층석탑(유형문화재 제5호): 고려시대의 삼층석탑으로, 석남사의 대표적인 문화재 중 하나입니다.

석남사 산신도(유형문화재 제33호): 조선시대의 산신도로, 석남사의 산신각에 모셔져 있습니다.

석남사 독성도(유형문화재 제34호): 조선시대의 독성도로, 석남사의 독성각에 모셔져 있습니다.

석남사는 울산을 대표하는 사찰 중 하나입니다. 울산을 방문한다면, 석남사를 방문하여 가지산의 아름다운 자연과 불교 문화를 감상해보세요.

다음은 석남사에 대한 몇 가지 팁입니다.

석남사는 산 속에 위치하고 있으므로, 날씨에 대비하여 준비하세요.

석남사의 경내에는 다양한 볼거리와 즐길 거리가 있으므로, 여유를 가지고 둘러보세요.

석남사는 비구니의 수도처이므로, 예절을 지키며 방문하세요.
여행지 추가정보

울산에 위치한 관광지

Seongnamsa Temple
Based on 1150 reviews
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19:46 13 Aug 24
22:14 22 Jul 24
06:53 21 Jul 24
09:00 18 Jul 24
It is in Ulju-gun. It’s close to Miryang. The mountain where Seoknamsa Temple is located is Gajisan Mountain, one of the Yeongnam Alps.You cannot enter the temple with a car. Admission is free, and you just have to walk about 900 meters from the entrance to the main hall of Seoknamsa Temple. The valley you encounter while walking is beautiful. It is very quiet and quiet, and we request that you refrain from making noise on the grounds. It is a temple that makes you feel reverent in a beautiful mountain setting. On the way to Seoknamsa Temple, there is Miryang Eoreumgol. I recommend you visit. You can taste the quiet feeling of Korea.
Helper Lee
Helper Lee
07:53 18 Jul 24
Truc Huu Nguyen
Truc Huu Nguyen
04:33 21 Oct 23
It's beautiful and peaceful temple.
Azra Maliha
Azra Maliha
02:29 28 Dec 21
Amazing place to visit. From the entrance itself the journey is so calm and filled with nature. There is a stream flowing on the right side which was frozen when I visited. The natural beauty is hard explain. The temple itself is very beautiful, filled with intricate detailed structures and beautiful murals. I was in love with the architecture. This historic place is a must visit.
Oinam Yanchen
Oinam Yanchen
07:34 18 Dec 21
Quite calm and refreshing with the sound of nature around you.
Om madria
Om madria
06:38 09 Nov 20
Serene colourful yhe scenery is soothing for the mind temple architecture beautiful
Donna Kang
Donna Kang
23:48 07 Dec 19
Beautiful starting point of Young Nam Alps... Majestic series of mountains surrounding the temple. Also beautiful tree colours...
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