
대왕암공원은 울산광역시 동구 일산동에 위치한 공원입니다. 울산의 동쪽 끝 해안을 따라 여러 가지 바위들이 있으며 원래는 울기공원이라 불렸다가 2004년 대왕암공원으로 변경되었습니다.

대왕암공원의 가장 대표적인 볼거리는 대왕암입니다. 대왕암은 높이 20m, 폭 30m, 길이 100m에 달하는 거대한 바위로, 바다에 우뚝 서 있어 장엄한 모습을 자아냅니다.

대왕암공원에는 대왕암 외에도 다양한 볼거리가 있습니다. 울기등대, 슬도, 일산해수욕장 등이 있으며, 공원 곳곳에는 해송림, 출렁다리, 소리체험관 등이 조성되어 있습니다.

대왕암공원은 울산을 대표하는 관광 명소로, 매년 많은 관광객이 찾고 있습니다. 특히, 아름다운 자연경관과 다양한 볼거리를 즐기고 싶다면 꼭 방문해 볼 만한 곳입니다.

대왕암공원의 주요 시설은 다음과 같습니다.

대왕암: 높이 20m, 폭 30m, 길이 100m에 달하는 거대한 바위

울기등대: 1906년에 설치된 등대로, 대왕암공원의 상징적인 건축물

슬도: 울기등대와 대왕암 사이에 위치한 작은 섬

일산해수욕장: 울산의 대표적인 해수욕장

출렁다리: 대왕암과 슬도를 연결하는 출렁다리

소리체험관: 바다의 소리를 감상할 수 있는 체험관
여행지 추가정보

울산에 위치한 관광지

Daewangam Park
Based on 5224 reviews
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04:44 25 Jul 24
01:42 25 Jul 24
Be sure to stop by when you go to Ulsan.The suspension bridge is also open for free.It's good for a walk.
00:40 25 Jul 24
Ann Daiz
Ann Daiz
05:55 24 Jul 24
Daewangam Park has a fantastic hanging bridge with a great view of the beach. The area has a god cool weather as it is located in a foggy area in Ilsan Beach.The suspension bridge is only one way. The exit is different way, so take the most memorable photos for your reference.You can see a big dragon statue where a small playground has slides for children to play.NO Entrance fee. It's freeIt is very convenient, nearby restaurants and coffee and hotels, Ilsan Beach is good to add to your activities.
11:36 22 Jul 24
Parking is quite good. It’s also great for walking.
Marianne Chang
Marianne Chang
12:41 07 Nov 22
Very nice pine forests, rocks, bridges and splendid ocean views. I went in autumn so the breeze so there were yellow flowers blooming around the rocks even. Bring a warm jacket because it gets cold nearer to the sea. Although crowded, there is still enough room to enjoy.
Shi Min Ng
Shi Min Ng
10:46 27 Oct 22
Amazing views here! The rock formations are nature’s wonder and the walking path is beautiful. This place is accessible with public bus though it takes more than an hour from the main mrt here. Worth the ride though! It takes about 1-2 hour to walk this entire area. There are some cute cats here if you look around
Johann “JOWON” Kwon
Johann “JOWON” Kwon
12:38 08 Oct 22
1. Beautiful place having korea ancient history of the Silla2. Essential place in Ulsan city3. 1~2 hour course for taking for a walk4. Large parking area
Jason Chuei
Jason Chuei
18:56 13 Sep 22
Glorious park, with an abundance to see and explore. Suspension bridge was a little scary, swaying in the forceful wind, but an incredibly impressive feat of engineering. The cliffs and crashing water line against the shimmering sea in the background, breathing in fresh air. A gaggle of free diving ajummas down some stairs, serving up their fresh catches on makeshift stoves, with guests sitting on makeshift stools around boards as tables. A family of cute cats running around at the top of the stairs enjoying life and escaping from curious tourists.
Johnny Feliciano
Johnny Feliciano
13:10 29 Jun 20
One of the most impressive places I have visited in Korea. Especially seeing the sunrise from there, it is beautiful. A unique experience that I will never forget. The dawn of the new year is very cold, so I recommend bringing a good coat, gloves and everything you can think of. However the experience is never to be forgotten. They also have activities during the night and lasts until the next day. It is a very happy and fun holiday.
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