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여행지 추가정보

대구에 위치한 관광지

Based on 14 reviews
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03:57 02 Jan 24
*Yuksinsa*This is a place where the memorial tablet of Yuryuksin, built by Park Paeng-nyeon's descendants, is kept.There is also a memorial hall for Sayuksin, so please take a look at it.Also, if you go further from here to Seongju, you will find the placenta chamber of Prince Sejong.You can see the placenta chambers of princes, including Danjong and King Sejo, and the placenta chambers of princes who opposed King Sejo's usurpation of the throne have been damaged.
06:57 08 Oct 23
08:44 06 Aug 23
22:28 05 Aug 23
GT Cha
GT Cha
12:13 11 Oct 22
The weather on the day I visited the places created as a space to commemorate the six gods, especially Taegodang and the other six temples built by Park Paeng-nyeon's descendants for generations, was as clear and clear as the loyal hearts of the six gods. Bamboo trees stand behind them as if to show their insincerity, and just as the flowers blooming in the yard are beautiful, as if they recognize their unbending heart for sacrificing their lives to do the right thing, their hearts toward Seonggun are as beautiful as flowers.
19:58 18 May 22
13:55 22 Mar 22
M.K. Choe
M.K. Choe
07:14 15 Aug 21
This is the place where the ancestral tablets of the six gods are enshrined. In the meantime, I knew that I was on the way from Daegu to Seongju, but I did not know why I was here. I accidentally stopped by while driving and found out about the story. In other words, it is said that the descendants of Park Paeng-nyeon served, and then other teachers appeared in a dream and served everyone. He is also said to have repaired nearby houses. As everyone knows, Sayuksin is a representative figure of fidelity and loyalty, so there are many people who have their names engraved here. Seeing the name of President Choi Gyu-ha, who briefly passed by after coming here, also makes us feel the futility of history.
03:41 13 Aug 21
This is a place where the memorial tablets of the six gods are kept.It's a good idea to go when the crape myrtle flowers are in bloom.
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