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여행지 추가정보

대구에 위치한 관광지

Seomun Market
Based on 17630 reviews
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11:26 29 Nov 23
I stayed in a hotel at walking distance to Seomun market and incidentally explored it by searching on Google. It is a super large and vibrant traditional market. I bought some winter stuff at very good price. I surprisingly saw the dishes much like which we also had in my country (pork intestines tasting so good). In front of the market there are bus lines including no.2&3 connecting with the old village attraction. Worthy to experience!
Timothy Campbell
Timothy Campbell
12:24 27 Nov 23
Really busy. Lot of food and winter clothing products. Great dumplings.
BEE (Nobody)
BEE (Nobody)
05:12 25 Sep 23
Went to buy said to be popular beown sugar pancake. The texture is more to the fluffy n soft instead of abit mochi chewy version like I thinking of. Personally find okok. Can try if you want to try. Nothing special though. Market os too big. Alot of foods, clothes, wtc to look n see. Prepare spend 1 day there if can. Din got time to go round. Hopefully next time.
Bani Andrada
Bani Andrada
05:04 24 Sep 23
The food I had were so tasty. This place is cheaper than in Seoul markets. The sellers were so friendly even though we can’t understand each other. They also gave me free food. I love this market.
Konrad Wojda
Konrad Wojda
07:01 19 Jun 23
Very nice place, various street food. Night market is open every weekend from 7 PM.
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